OthersCum functioneaza ecranul unui cinematograf? Dragos BlagaSeptember 3, 2014364 views O data cu aparitia si dezvoltarea internetului site-urile cu filme online si-au facut si ele aparitia, unele dintre… 0 Shares 0 0
OthersDe ce nu reusesc sa slabesc? Dragos BlagaAugust 30, 201498 views Unii oameni ar da oricat sa slabeasca, insa nu oricum, ci sanatos. Unii isi cumpara benzi de alergat… 0 Shares 0 0
OthersRotogravure – a short history Dragos BlagaAugust 28, 2014807 views Rotogravure is an example of intaglio printing or in depth printing. The intaglio printing term was originally used… 0 Shares 0 0
OthersHow to travel from Birmingham to Gatwick? Dragos BlagaAugust 8, 2014365 views Very often we are thinking about travelling and seeing a lot of places so that we can have… 0 Shares 0 0
OthersWhich are the secrets behind a wooden built house? Dragos BlagaJuly 31, 2014381 views When thinking about wooden houses, the first thing everybody should know is that not every house that uses… 0 Shares 0 0
OthersTangle Teezer – o perie pentru toate tipurile de par Dragos BlagaJuly 30, 20141.2K views Desi probabil nu ai dat importanta acestui aspect pana acum, tipul de par pe care il ai nu… 0 Shares 0 0
OthersCe trebuie sa stii despre algoritmul Hummingbird? Dragos BlagaJuly 29, 2014388 views Cine nu isi doreste ca site-ul sau sa apara in topul listei de rezultate generate de Google? Din… 0 Shares 0 0
OthersOrganic farm – an idea of a successful business Dragos BlagaJuly 29, 2014393 views Healthy nutrition has become a priority for those who adopt a healthy lifestyle, so if you want to… 0 Shares 0 0
OthersCheck Out These Simple Strategies For Going Green At Home Dragos BlagaJuly 28, 2014361 views Green energy is what it’s all about as there are more and more ways to make it happen.… 0 Shares 0 0